Friday, August 27, 2010

Life as a Letter from God

"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts." 2nd Corithians 3:3

I believe that man different things can inspire us to be better than who we are. While I was away at trainging for two weeks I bought the movie "Letters to God." At first I thought, "Ya, just another Christian movie." As I watched I was touched on a very deep level and convicted in many ways. I began to think about my life and what kind of letter it is from God. The more I watched the more I was moved. Think about it! If our life is a letter from God, then what is that letter saying?
A little over half way through tears began to well up and by the end of the movie I was in full blown tears calling out to God for forgiveness for not acting on what I had felt deeply to do so many times but ignored. Not writing a letter to God, but doing something great for the kingdom without worrying about recognition in any way shape or form.
I love the ministry and love to reach out to youth and children. I love building relationships with them and being there to help them up when they fall. But, what of all the others that pass by me and give me opportunity to open the world of Jesus to them?

As a licensed minister I constantly deal with peoples misconceptions of what ministry is. And their thoughts about what a "Pastor" is. Reguardless of your beliefe we are no different than any of you, in fact we may struggle more. Scripture says that our struggle (fight) is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual darkness (my interpretation).

That movie was based on a true story. I have yet to watch the special features and see what the story was all about. But, I do know that if any part of it was true, it was about a little boy fighting a battle and doing the only thing he knew how: writing letters to God. To many of us that would seem juvenile. But in reality, we act more juvenile by trying to be sophisticated. There is a reason why Jesus loves little children. They are more open and pure. They don't worry so much about what everyone thinks and just acts.

So what are we waiting for? What is it that we can do? For me it could be as simple as stoping and taking more time on my walk home from work to talk to someone I have never met before. What is it for you?

I pray you are blessed...

Always Praying and Obedient to the Call

Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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