With social work we are trained not to speculate or assume until we have all the facts and are able to assess ourselves with our own eyes...
Throughout my training the four weeks split into two at a time, there was a lot of speculation on hypothetical cases. I couldn't wrap my head around what people would come up with on such few details. Isn't this what we do with God. Think abou it a minute!
So many out there living life have their reasons for not seeking God and in place seeking everything else to fill the void. They have all of these ideas on what they have heard or seen... Yet if seeing is believing then most haven't taken the time to see or experience for themselves.
When I was 17 I took a trip to Florida with a friend to visit the Pensecola Revival we had heard so much about. It was a birthday gift from my parents. I will admit that I speculated on if it was real or not from what I had heard. All the stories were to much to swollow because I had not experienced it myself. I had not assessed and come to my own conclusion about the supposed move of God that was taking place.
What I found is that it was real. There were thousands upon thousands of people waiting in line for hours, many from outside the country and of different beliefs, all to experience what they had heard. To find out for themselves if it was real.
I have come into contact with people over the years, and still do, who tell me their views on God. All of which have not given the change to experience and assess themselves. They have all these thoughts and opinions without assessing and creating their own thoughts and opinions. Let's talk about the birth of Christ. Mr and Mrs. so and so watch a special on the History Channel (which I normally love) and see scholars talking about thier opinions and speculation on the birth of Christ. They paint a picture of Mary the mother of Christ being a prostitute and that she was knocked up by someone other than her husband or the Holy Spirit planting Christ's seed in her. So if Mr. and Mrs. so and so haven't assessed and experienced for themselves to weigh out thier salvation and the truth, they can easily take this and justify why they won't give self observation a chance.
Life is full of speculation and assumptions. The problem is and will remain that most times we are WRONG! I can assume and speculate that from what I have heard that a family is abusive and visit to assess and find that someone other than the family is just trying to cause trouble. What about the teen that everyone says is a troublemaker and hopelessly lost to help...? Speculation only adds to the despair of that kid. If no one is willing to get to know him or her and see who they really are, then what is the point.
Alaska is full of suicide, murder, and accidental death. How many of those who take thier own lives would have gone through with that act effecting so many others if they had just had ONE person to show love and compassion, looking past the speculation and rumors?
Do you speculate and assume to much?
My prayer is that we all take a moment and throw out the speculation and assumptions and live on truth and our own personal assessments!
Blessings and Merry Christmas,
Mike III AKA Big Daddy
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