Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sacrifice of the Lamb

Tomorrow is "Good Friday." That night so long ago that Jesus broke bread with His Disciples and told them that He would be with them no more. As clearly as He could put it, they still had no understanding. A couple of days later He would be put to death by the very crowd that welcomed Him in a palm leaf perade.

Humanity welcomes with open arms a heroe until it doesn't suit them anymore. Christ was pure, compassionate, and filled with love even when he was walkign the path covered in blood, pain shooting through his body with every step and feeling the cross grind on His broken skin. He shouted that God would forgive them because they knew not what they were doing.

If He were to do it all over again and in our time, would our rulers of denominations condemn Him to death? I beleive they would. In fact I don't believe that Jesus or any one of His disciples could hold credentials of a Pastor with the polotics that are involved today.

It's time we get back to the heart of God and act as Christ would act, love as Christ would love, and sacrifice as Christ would sacrifice.

Always Praying and Obedient to the Call

Mike III, AKA: Big Daddy

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