Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Time Away

I decided to take some time away from the "blog thing" as a way not to have the creative juices flowing but as a way of searching myself out and opeing the door to deep thinking and a time of peace. The thing about writing an e-mail or in a blog that cronicles deep thoughts more than merely just short stories or a "diary" of the days interesting or funny events, is that most times the material is so personal and emotionally taxing that you begin to dry up.

The truth is, some things are meant to keep to yourself. The things we learn through trials and circumstances may be able to help others but the fact is, sometimes they are for us personally and no one else. These are inner lessons that have to be considered for long periods of time. Not unlike evaluating spiritual self, or even evlauating one's motives and heart over life altering choices.

We live in a wold filled where everything is right at the tip of your fingers. You can find anything with a few quick key strokes, from how to bake a perfect Turkey to applying facial cream to clear your complextion and rid yourself of age and the wrinkles that fallow.

Don't get me wrong, there is a place for the information that we have surrounding us and invading every part of our lives. But, consider for a moment the cost of the information highway. Do you think life was happier and easier before there was the surge of information via the internet and cell phones. I mean come on! You can access the internet from your cell phone and even video game units as small as a PSP. I remember in high school not having a cell phone and the internet being dial up. I remember getting hold of friends by the telephone on the wall or driving/walking/biking to their house to find them. I didn't even have an e-mail account until just before I went off to college. Of course this was pre-social networking days. I can onlly immagine the times I wouldn't have been out of the house enjoying the beautiful weather if I'd had facebook or myspace. I was actually out with the friends I would have had on those sites, spending time with them perosonally. At the end of the night we went home and did what we usually did and waited to see or talk to each other the next day at school.

If I wanted to take my girlfriend out on a date I would call her on the phone or ask her in person. If I needed a date to the dance that was coming up I would have to ask in person not by e-mail or facebook. Everything was more personal. I didn't care about a cell phone. I didn't want a cell phone. If anything I wanted my ride to run better or have more time to work out.

I am in no way saying that being connected through the internet is a bad thing. Im not even saying that social networks are all bad. Shoot, I've reconnected with friends I haven't seen or talked to in years because of facebook. What I am saying is that it can be too much. The hole reason I decided to stay away from this blog for so long.

In fact, we took a month away from facebook and all social networking as well as e-mail and basic internet use while we were on Vacation. We decided it would be best to leave it alone and enjoy the time away. Call it a self imposed fast of the media. Well not all media because we did enjoy some movies and did use our cell phones and GPS to get from point A to point B. But for the most part we didn't partake in the media frenzie that occupies so much of our day that it becomes part of what we do. Getting back to life after Vacation it was almost hard to get onto facebook and let people know we made it home safe. If it were not for my students that I serve I would not have gotten back on other than to check on them.

I am sure that while I rant and rave about the need for a quieter more internet and media free life you have checked your facebook account on  your cell phone sent a high number of txt messages and even looked at your personal e-mail account. What I wouldn't give to live in the days of the pioneers (with medicine!) and not have to worry about cell phones, phone towers, spending money on fuel, electric bills, and so much more that we work so hard to pay for. While advances are good they are just as costly. The cost? Peace of mind, personal relationships, growing gray hairs, and being there for our children to watch them play and grow.

What about you? Maybe you should take a personal sabatical from the media that floods your life. I plan to do this more and more. Breath the fresh air, leave your cell phone at home when you are out with the family, turn off the lights and light some candles (at least it will smell better), walk to work instead of driving your car, and do it for yourself and your family.


Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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