Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Do you ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder what the future holds,
or what is behind the eyes of those so old?

They sit in silence rocking back and forth waiting for something.

What about the wind? Where does it come from?
How many times have they felt it on their skin, through endless circumstances,
some that look dim?

In their youth did they look into the distance and wonder?
Did they see their mortality grow closer?

Did they ponder their decisions, regret,
and see the consequences as future widsom?

Did they see time go by looking into the deep blue sky?
Is there a story with every wrinkle and every scar?

What about thier memories?
Do they make them laugh or cry?

I wonder about what the future holds,
As I look out into the bright Alaska night sky.

Will my past become wisdom to unfold?
Will a legacy have emerged that is pure and rich as gold?

Will the art my hands have created put a dent in history?
What is my story?

To live a long life and watch my children grow, love, and marry.
The moments many that enritch an eternity of smiles and cannot be burried.

A song is played out as our future comes about.
The song of love and eternal future melodies...

So what does the future hold?
Only my God knows,
His hands wrapped in warmth from all cold.

For my future is His and the journey is untold.


Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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