Have you seen the commercial about the lady who stops a man from stepping out into traffic keeping him from getting hit by the passing cars? Someone was watching and did another kind act because of what they saw. It was a ripple effect of kindness to one's fellow man. From time to time there is a heartwarming commercial on TV. Not to often but every now and again we see something that inspires us.
Initially with that particular commercial I just waved it on as another brake in my program. But later I saw it again and was inspired.
As a Youth Pastor there have been more than a few times where I have seen students act in extraordinary ways toward strangers. When you teach Christ's heart to students it is always an emotional moment to see them act out without having to push or prod them in any way.
The following is a short testimony to kindness playing out in front of me and the overwhelming pride and joy that filled me at the sight!
I had been a Youth Pastor for almost six years and we had taken over the project of starting a new program from nothing in Skagway Alaska. Before long we had a small group of kids that were coming around on a regular basis. One family in particular had three kids coming to the weekly meetings. They were all on fire for God and excited about our upcoming trips. The trip we took was to Anchorage driving 17 hours to Youth Convention. This was to be the first Youth Convention in the history of the church in Skagway. We took seven kids on this trip and were able to have a great time. During one of our lunch times at Taco Bell one of our girls noticed a homeless woman sitting by herself trying to get warm from the freezing temperatures outside. My student asked me if she could visit or sit with her. I told her it would be fine with me. I watched as this young lady with a great call of God on her life sat away from the group with this lady eating her meal and sharing her Christ warmth with her. Before we left as the group was throwing away trash and getting their coats on so we would be on time to our next meeting, I saw this girl praying with the homeless woman holding her cold weather warn hands in hers. I was moved to tears as I watched. My wife squeezed my hand so I wouldn't stare. I looked at her with a smile on my face as we quietly waited for our student. When we got in the van and drove away the kids were all talking and having a good time. That student tapped me gently on the shoulder and asked if she could give her gloves to the woman.
I am inspired by people who act selflessly for others. I am touched beyond words when students I have "get it." I believe it truly is a ripple effect and who knows who was watching this girl and did something great for someone else!
Mike III AKA: Big Daddy
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