Dear Gabby and Gracie,
Daddy is on brake at work and decided now is as good a time as any to write you a letter. Now neither of you can read yet so this is for the future, for one day when you are much older and will at that time be able to appreciate the things that Daddy has written.
Both of you are my angels and mommy is my queen. You both are more than I could ask or dream of. Jesus blessed me far beyond my thoughts and dreams when He gave me the two of you. To be a daddy can be a scary thing. Daddy's mess up, and learn along the way. What I want to teach you is more than a lifetime with you would allow. My hope is that I honor Jesus, mommy, and the both of you as your daddy. I want you to know what being loved is and seeing how much mommy and daddy love you and love each other. I want you to have a Godly example of what a husband should be, so when the time comes when you find "the one" God has for you, you will be able to judge by who your daddy was and is.
The both of you are growing up so very fast. Every moment is a moment I charish with you. I love watching your run through the waves on the beach, building sandcastles together, and playing the snow in your parka's that wouldn't fit daddy's hand. I look through the thousands of pictures, smiling knowing many thousands more will follow as you grow. Gabby, mommy won an on line photo contest with a photo of your newborn feet in Dady's big hands when you were just a few weeks old. One day I will find that book that photo is published in and you will have it.
Gracie you are my rough and tough "ice box" linebacker. You have grown to be a daddy's girl and I love you so very much. We spend hours together while daddy puts you to sleep in the confines of my office. You make me laugh when your tummy growls and you look down wondering what that was and back up at daddy and laugh. You are my kindred spirit with stubborness and agression. But I know you will grow loving Jesus...
Gabby, my princess, so petite and loving. From birth you had a bond with daddy. I could pick you up at any point with you in tears and you would stop crying and go into a peaceful sleep. Daddy was scared when you were born not because of you but because of the enormous responsibility I now had and the fear that I wouldn't be a good daddy. You have a love for singing and art. It is evident that you love Jesus and people just like your mommy...
My girls, I love you soo very much. I would give my life in a blink of an eye for you, I would fight for you, and I live for you. I pray over you as you sleep, I cuddle with you like there will not be the next moment to have.
Daddy loves you both with all of who I am!
Always and Forever
Your Daddy
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