Sunday, January 16, 2011

A good DADDY

Scripture tells us to raise up our children in the way thay should go, and they will not depart from it when they are old...

I watched and episode of "Bones" tonight as I was finalizing my teaching for the Children's Service tomorrow (now since it's 12:30 am). At the end of the episode Booth is talking about one of his military missions where he had to take out a dictator who was killing groups of people, full families. He was at his location waiting for the dictator to move. His intel stated that it was a birthday party for the dictators son. Booth took the shot killing the dictator. The son was there witnessing it on his birthday. Booth then said that the boy didn't know who his daddy really was, but instead just loved him as "daddy."

Was that man a good daddy? Did the alternate life he lead make him a bad daddy? Many of us would say yes!

Who am I as a daddy? Do I live an alternate life? Do my kids know who their daddy really is? I would like to think that they do. I have no dilusions about myself at all... I know the areas in which I struggle. I am not proud of those things that make me less honorable. The fact is while I know we all have faults and we are all flawed, my children deserve to know their daddy. The sad part is that I am very transparent with the youth that I serve through work and ministry. There are moments that I draw deep within myself. I am silent and sit not seeing or realizing the things that are going on around me. Everything is a blurr as I sit and evaluate. I usually come to, when my wife or children nudge me. Then my surroundings come a live and all the sounds are sharp and clear not muffled from intense self involvement.

I want to be a good daddy. My children are growing quickly, and now we have another on the way. My oldest child is currently five years old. Looking back over the years and evaluating myself as her daddy, I am ashamed to say, I have not done well much of the time.

My wife and I had a conversation about how I treat Gabby and Gracie. Her perception is that I treat our five year old differently than our three year old. Sure I do. But from my perspective it is not negative. Gabby is five going on 17. She extremely intelligent for her age. I don't "baby talk" with her. Maybe my expectations are to high, and I get a little more frustrated than I should. There are times when I catch myself when I have expected to much.

The thing about me is that, I punish myself and in doing so I punish myelf far more than I probably should. I am blessed to have children that are well behaved. Even with an agressive three year old and a five year old that is a princess. Sure there are the initial fights between the two, but for the greater part is calm...

Am I alone in missing the times when I have been less than a good daddy? I do think we all need to accept the perceptions of others. I consider everything brought to my attention, maybe not at the moment, but always do consider what is being said. Tonight my five year old told mommy something very profound in the form of a question. Daddy and mommy had a disagreement, nothing that escalated to any level of raised voices. But, my five year old could tell we didn't agree. As they lay in bed talking and praying, Gabby asked her momme, "Mommy does Jesus like it when you and daddy don't get along?" Mommy replied, "No, He doesn't." "Jesus died for our sins, so when mommy and daddy fight Jesus is dieing for you and daddy." Gabby replied...

Ouch! Tell me that is not profound. Her understanding of Jesus at five years old, while with the simplicity of a five year old, is more profound than anything I have ever heard. Talk about conviction and an eye opening experience!!

So am I a good daddy? I have my moments, but tonight my eyes were opened to the fact that I am not nearly where I should be.

Maybe it's time I take the wisdom of my child and apply it. Every time I sin, Jesus is being crucified. He sacrificed himself for our sins, but the pain of that sacrifice is as real as the day it happened every time we consiously and subconciously sin. His scars re-open...

 I hope my experience helps you, but I am concerned about myself. My prayer is that I will continue to change knowing God will complete the work He has started in me...


Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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