Monday, January 10, 2011

Love is a sacrifice

The love of my life: Skating Rink Nome Alaska 2011

The love of my life, my best friend, and my always and forever... I have come to know many things about love. One of those things is that Love is a sacrifice... Not as extreme as Romeo and Juliet, but a sacrifice just the same. When you are truly "in love," you sacrifce many times your own dreams and always put the "one" you are in love with before yourself (always).

The darker side of sacrifice is that we are human and make mistake after mistake hurting that person, the love of your life!! Time and again when we hurt that person, we find that we know there is a choice. The choice to forgive. The fear that resides in us all that are lucky enough to have that person forgive is that one question: When will that forgiveness run out? See the sad truth is, because we are human there is always an end.. There is always the point that comes when enough is enough...

I have been blessed with a queen that has forgiven me time and again, and I don't want to push to the end... I can honestly say that I am deeply "in love" with her. As corney as it may sound to quote a movie, (which I do often) She completes me...

I can say with full confidence that there is non like her on this planet. She is the most caring, humble, and happy peson I have ever met. While she is a "social butterfly" that stretches me to be more social, people are drawn to her because she truly cares about what others are saying. Most times I have to pull her away so our kids can get to bed on time.

There is much that I love about her. The talent she has with computer graphics and any form of art her hand touches, her love for our children, her weird sense of humor, the clothing piled high in our bedroom (irritating, but I love her for it), her scatter brained times, willingness to give the bennifit of the doubt to anyone, and most important - her love for God.. The list could go on and on. Her passion inspires me, her love for others stretches me, who she is makes me a better man...

While reality says that I fall very short and most times am a total failure, it's my desire to be the man she inspires me to be and the man God has destined for me to become. I spend many hours in prayer asking Jesus to help me to be that man and complete the work He started in me. I can't begin to express how foreign the new me is... I can't tell you how helpless I am when I can't understand her pain or help to heal it.

What stands out more than anything is that she has made the bigger sacrifice. He sacrificed a life of financial success and excitement to be with me. She chose me (God only knows why), as you can see from the picture above, she is my beauty and I am in fact, the lowly beast!

I hope and pray you have found and will find that person you are willing to sacrifice all for...

Note to "A":
Hey boo, I love you so very much. I don't say it enough and when I do, I still feel like I need to say it more... Thank you for loving me, even when you had every reason to run. I will be deeply and hopelessly "in love" with you until the day Jesus takes me home!

Always and Forever!!


Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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