Monday, January 3, 2011

Something to Believe in

Psalms 40:1-3
I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him.

I run into so many who are search of something to give their life meaning. They search everywhere without fail, most times creating nothing but a hopeless existence and living unhappy. They surround themselves with "things" that bring temporary entertainment. They don't know the real meaning of pleasure for all the pleasure they seek is temporary. In times of struggle they either blame God or run to Him. When He gives them aid they forget quickly the one who gave it and return to the same old pattern of self-distruction. Isn't this the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over expecting different results!

I have been raised in a Pastors home. I have been exposed to all the good and bad of Christianity. I too have struggled and searched for some sort of meaning in a life of hopelessness. Christianity in itself is not the motivation of a life of happiness. In fact, this can cause more problems. A life of happiness is self-devotion to Christ Jesus, not to Christianity. I am not one who is proud to say I am a Christian, I am in fact proud to say I am a follower of Christ. He has given me the answers that I have needed. Even when there seems to be no answer, He fills me with total peace. The search for a relevant meaning to my life has brought me to one conclusion. It has stared me in the face all my life. I have ran from it without understanding. I have been an active participant in my own self-distructive patterns. I have filled my life with meaningless and passing pleasure. While I was a "good kid", never partied, had mulitple sex partners, or done any drugs, I partook of other fleating pleasures. I took joy and brining physical pain to others and loved when a physical altercation found me. I fought in my flesh and in my spirit. I consumed myself with being the best at what ever I put my hand to, and most times excelled.

It was all fleeting.. Scripture says ... everything is a passing in the wind. This is completely true! Nothing we have is constant. There is no peace in the material things we posess. There is no peace or true happiness in a nice car, money, or other indulgances. It ALL passes away in time. Money comes and goes, alcohol is consumed and evacuates the body in some very discusting ways. Most relationships evaporate as quickly as they arrive. Work is just that, "work." None of these things bring true happiness.

If you are searching for meaning, a purpose to your life, then all you and I have to do is open our eyes to what has been staring us in the face all our lives. The answer is the never failing, never ending, always abundant and unexplainable love of Jesus. It has become a negative action to share your belief in Christ. Separation of Church and State has gone to far. Respect for those who hold Spiritual leadership positions has failed. The Holy Word says that if we deny Christ before man, He will deny us before the Father in Heaven.

Open your eyes, join the family that will never fail you. QUIT running and allow the love of God to replace the love of things that are always fleeting.

Make this New Year, a year of change...

Happy New Year and Blessings,

Mike III AKA: Big Daddy

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